Hey guys! It's been a good week fic-wise for me smile . I managed to connect this to the next written part [which needs some rewriting since so much has changed but..] so I inundated my BRs' inboxes this weekend. So look for three posts this week, but I'll mention that in the next fic post too wink .

Natascha - no, just a rough week last week wink . The Clark/Perry conversation will be soon. And look for the next part here in a bit.

Elisabeth - they did come easier - thanks smile . I'm glad it worked as is.

Framework - thank you smile .

cp33 - Lois is 20. She's still so young. Clark is now 22.

kmar - Oooo - glad to have you! I really shouldn't read WiPs [grumble - where's ML?!?! mutter wink ].

LoveLandC - thank you for commenting - glad you're enjoying.

Ann - am going to skip the OT stuff - I commented in the other thread smile . Perry is a good one for them to talk to. And it's soon.

JD - I'm so jealous of people who've been to all kinds of places frown . I've been exactly next to nowhere wink . Yeah - I recently discovered the semi-colon - dunno why I never used it much before. Yes, Clark does have stuff to get off his chest and I'm glad Lois thought of it too wink .

Michael - thank you smile .

Anon - have I mentioned you rock? And thank you for the picture.

lovesuper97 - thank you! Closer is good.

Amy - LOL! That is how Lois sees it and you've inspired a snippet of conversation though it'll be a while before it gets posted. Thanks!

James - Thank you!

Thanks again everyone - and look for 34 later today!