Eh? No comments yet? Huh. o_O

Anyway--a chilling part, Darth. I don't know how much of this you've planned from the beginning--Lois' early behavior does seem inexplicable--and I think your fic is actually getting better as it progresses.

I need to see Lois get some come-uppence. What she did to Clark--rape by drugs--is wrong, and illegal. While you don't seem to be handling it lightly, I nevertheless wish to warn you, just in case, because many people and writers don't seem to know. Girl-rapes-guy is not inherently more acceptable than if it were the other way around (though I suspect you already know that) There's a trope site which goes into more detail about that: Rape Is Okay When It\'s Female On Male

Also, just because it's Lois doesn't make it okay. I'm not accusing you of saying it is. In fact, you seem to be handling it well. Clark is upset. That is---well, I want to say 'Good', but that doesn't sound right---That is appropriate.

While I do look forward to a reconcilliation, these events need to be dealt with. Clark has been wronged. He feels there is no one he can turn to. That right there broke my heart, by the way. Kudos to you, because it didn't even sink in for me how victimized he was until you mentioned him unable to even turn to his parents.

So, to sum it up:
Part good. Rape bad. Clark need lawyer. (Or at least a shoulder to cry on.)

ETA: Did I mention you broke my heart?? whinging Poor Clarkie! mecry

ETA2: ...Um...But pairing him with Mayson is *not* the answer. You hear me?! wildguy wildguy
