
Great part. drool Love this description of Lois.

My Dearest Clark,

You’re gone, and all I can think is how sorry I am….

Sorrier than I ever thought I could be. Sorry because I foolishly ignored the truth that stared me in the face. Sorry because now, it’s too late. Too late to say the words out loud. Too late to scream them at the top of my lungs and to whisper them into your ear. Too late to make sure that you know how I feel, without any doubts or hesitancies.

Clark, I love you. Completely. Irrevocably. Endlessly.

You’ll have to forgive me for not knowing this sooner, but I was fooled. You see, falling in love with you wasn’t like I expected falling in love to be. I always thought that it would be a noisy affair, introduced by music and fireworks, flashing lights and blaring sirens. Instead, I learned that falling in love is quiet and gentle. It’s warm and enveloping, a pair of deep brown eyes pulling you in so softly that before you are even aware, it’s wrapped you in a tight hug. Falling in love isn’t falling at all. It’s floating. It’s flying. And only after you’ve been lifted so high that the Earth is but a distant blue memory do you realize how easy it was.

You entered my life, and in such a short time, you became so many things to me. My partner. My friend. My love. You are the other half of me. What I lacked, you completed. What my weaknesses were, you shored up with your strengths. Without you, I am half a person, the dark without the light and the sorrow without the joy. As I contemplate my life without you, I realize with sudden clarity that there is no life without you.

Every day, every minute, I miss you. I look for you everywhere, hoping that by some miracle, I’ll see you just once again. I miss your voice and your smile. I miss your laughter and your quiet strength. I miss you when I’m awake and when I sleep. I miss you in the way that a prisoner misses freedom. I miss you so much that I know I will never fill the void that exists where my heart once beat.

Instead I will wake every day and walk through this black and white world, searching every face I see and listening to every voice that speaks, searching for you. The questions I have will remain unanswered, the story of my future untold. It is only when I’m with you again that I will find peace. Until then, I can only hope that wherever you are now, you can hear my heart calling to you.

Save me, Superman. Save me.

Yours eternally,

Maria D. Ferdez.
Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age.