Delightful part. smile

Nitpicking alert; In Red Square the viewpoint character was thinking
man in the bright suit with
Why would he think that instead of what the Lawyer later on thought?
man in the Superman outfit
Do the Russians not recognize him?
Lucy was watching her calmly.

“You knew I wasn’t your sister?”

Lucy nodded slowly. “I’ve suspected from the beginning.”
Well done. So I wonder what the others have figured out?

“For all we know, they have an identical collider on the other side and the effects only happen when both are running at the same time.”

Dr. Ledderman was silent for a moment. “So the weaker effects could be the other collider running in the other world without ours?”
Perhaps someone on the plane has the answer to this?

BTW Shayne,

Are you an H. Beam Piper fan?
