As soon as he saw where Lois was going, he was going to step up his activities.
I hope this all goes well, or Clark is never going to want to try being Superman again, even if he makes it home where it is still a more innocent time, and no one has heard of Superman before.

if he's seen continuously on broadcasts from all over the world, it's going to be harder to dismiss him as a hoax. Still, given how jaded people are by special effects and how skeptical many people are of what they see on TV, he might have to appear in person in front of enough people to get word of mouth, the way he did at the pier in Santa Barbara (I assume that's where it was). Flying low over some major cities might help. wave

If he keeps up with rescues and humanitarian work, he will have many grateful people on his side. He should probably avoid crime-fighting, unless it's to save someone's life or something similarly unambiguous.

And he needs to be interviewed at some point, so everyone can see what kind of person he is. No one's going to relax until they know that he has Superman's ethics, not just his powers.

And I'm looking forward to more people calling him "Superman," rather than just "the flying man in the Superman costume." wink I think Clark could use the boost in self-confidence of knowing that people see him living up to that role.