Very moving. I was so scared when Lois got those cramps, and when she started to look for blood in her underwear.

At close to seven thirty Clark came downstairs. He did not say anything, just moved to sit beside me under the blanket. He wrapped his arms around me from behind, pushing me back to lean against his chest.

“It's going to be okay, honey,” he whispered.

“I know,” I said back, even though that was a lie. I did not know anything at all anymore.

“Like we said before, even if it doesn't work out, at least we know we can get pregnant,” Clark whispered.

My hand moved protectively to my stomach like it had yesterday. I nodded to show I understood what he meant, but then voiced my true feelings. “I know that. But I don't want a different baby. I want this one.” My voice broke and tears moved down my cheeks once more.

Clark held me tighter, moving a hand to rest on top of mine on my stomach. “Me, too,” he replied, the tears audible in his whisper.
Their love is so strong. But not even love can fix everything.

“I thought we could use some distraction tonight,” he said.

I nodded my head in agreement, handing him “When Harry Met Sally” to place into the video player.

Clark once again climbed under the blanket beside me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders until I was partly leaning against him.

For the next hour and a half, Clark and I distracted ourselves with a story we knew well, but it worked anyway. I managed not to cry or focus on the baby for the entire movie.

Still, I was glad when the movie was over to discover I was tired again. Clark smiled. “I thought that would happen,” he said as he moved to replace “When Harry Met Sally” with the action flick.

I stretched out on the couch with my head in Clark's lap and was asleep again in moments only waking up briefly when Clark's movie was over to move with him to the bedroom.
I loved this, too. Clark gets them movies they can watch. Lois wants to see a romantic comedy, and Clark happily watches it with her, if only because he likes doing something with her and because he is glad when she feels better. But after watching the movie she is sleepy, she falls asleep on his lap, and he can watch the action movie that he really wanted to see.

Clark turned in his seat. “Honey?” he said, taking my hand in his.

“Hmmm?” I asked.

“You have to eat,” he said.

“Isn't soup good?” I asked, worried. I had thought this made sense. If I couldn't eat much, this way I got lots of liquid and vegetables.

“It is good, Lois. If you really can't eat anything much, I agree that soup is a good choice. But maybe you could try to eat something else with your soup?” he asked. “I'm worried about you. You're losing weight and you shouldn't be losing weight when you're pregnant.”

“It's okay the first trimester,” I told him, remembering reading that in my pregnancy books.

“Maybe for some women, but Lois, you don't have a lot of weight to lose,” Clark said.

“What if I have a piece of bread with my soup?” I asked.

“How about a salad?” he asked me. “With ranch dressing,” he added, knowing my weakness for creamy salad dressings.

I smiled at him. He was sweet even if he was pushy. “Okay. I'll try.”

“Well, that's good enough. I've never seen Lois Lane fail at anything she's tried before,” he teased before he leaned over to kiss me.
I love that Clark looks after Lois so much. He is so right, she has to eat. She really doesn't have a lot of weight to lose in the first place. I love that he makes her eating a challenge to her, a way to prove that she can do something.

Like I said, this is very moving! Come back soon with more.
