Fortunately, I think most pregnant women are able to drink hot chocolate. I hope Lois will be able to!

Very sweet part. This was my favorite:

“Me, too,” he said. “Mom is so happy.”

“Of course, she is,” I told him. “She knows that this is what you want most in the world, Clark. She’s happy for you.”

Clark loosened his grip on me to turn me around until I was lying on my back. He leaned up so I could see him clearly in the darkened bedroom. “First of all, she’s happy for us, not just me,” he said. “And second of all, a baby is not what I want most in the world.”

“It’s not?” I asked, confused. All this time, I thought this was what Clark wanted. Was I wrong?

“No,” he said, leaning over to kiss my forehead. “I already have what I want most in the world, Lois. You are what I want most in the world. I do want a baby, but only with you.”

I smiled, but felt those annoying tears leaking out of my eyes again. “I love you,” I said again.

Clark smiled at me before leaning forward to capture my lips with his.
Adorable. Lovely.

It's very good that Jimmy and Perry know, but I would have preferred it if they had had to tell at least Jimmy. But I, too, loved Jimmy's question about Lois's choice of breakfast!
