Getting to read this section was sheer torture for me. I just peeked at the boards while I was at work, saw a new part was posted, got all excited to read it, and then my boss started hovering around. I had to sit there for a couple of hours and ignore it while I actually did work. But, on to the actual story...

smile1 They talked! hyper I'm going to be cautiously optimistic that this is the beginning of better times for Lois and Clark.

And Lois is going nail Paul! I can't wait to see this. She's a smart girl, that Lois. After her initial panic, she sees true logic and takes action in pure Lois Lane(Kent) fashion.

This section was so wonderfully well-written, Carol. I'm ready to see these two get in gear, take that evil man down, and fix their relationship.

Once again, clap clap