Jenni, you're back! And this was lovely! sloppy

I could totally feel for Clark and his nervousness. When you have been away from your old job and your old life for years, and you yourself are changed and weakened, then it is no wonder if you are nervous and full of self-doubt. But I loved how everyone gave Clark their support. I loved how you wrote Matt. He is such a great son, and I hope to see more of him as - Jor-El, was it? I loved that glowing reference from Mac, too. And because I didn't immediately remember Mac, I thought of Scotty of Star Trek when Lois imitated Mac's Scottish accent! laugh

I think this must be my favorite quote from this part:

“Clark, all the other parts of your personality have come back ... why not this?”

“But they haven't, Lois. Even you have to admit that I'm not exactly the same.” He grabbed hold of the hand she'd held out to him. “Superman can't ever come back.”

“Superman is back. He was never just about the powers. Superman was you, Clark. The caring, compassionate man behind the suit and the cape ... that man is here. I know some of your memories are still a bit hazy, and your powers aren't full strength, but your experiences are helping Matt a whole lot.”
That's just wonderful.

Well, this is surely an interesting situation - Lois is Editor-in-Chief, or at least she shares that job with Perry, and Clark feels like a nervous newcomer. I hope that Lois and Clark will be all right!

And it is great to have you back, Jenni!
