We interrupt this feedback by sparks of curiosity...

I have been so critical of your Clark because he didn't tell Lois right away about his superhuman powers.
Okay, I haven't had time to pay attention to a lot of other peoples' feedback comments recently, but I have noticed this critique, and it sparks curiosity. So just to check myself, is it because they got married first, revelation second?

Back to our regular programming.

Ah, you spoil me, Carol. smile I love your posting schedule, which pretty much is, you just happen to post on the days I can read.

Ohh, I'm worried about Lois...Personally, I want Michael's option 1 where they both freak out and Lois opens her mouth and talks. About anything.

But option 4 is I worship angst, so I'm game for anything. wink

Pardon the O/Tness of this, but just to grin about the Bible (and probably open a fort of worms), last Friday's lecture was actually about women in the Bible, and we harped a lot on how the role of women decreased as the role of the military in rising cities increased. :p But I loved it because we (in our hour and a half time slot) went through scripture and picked out the people like Deborah, one of the judges of Israel, who just stepped right over that inferiority and kicked some historical butt. wink

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy