(Sigh.) It’s difficult to watch Clark as he wrestles with the life he’s chosen for himself. A man needs support as he walks through difficult times. While Lois is there in some ways, it sounds as if her idle conversation lets him know that she isn’t planning on “‘till death do us part.” Those who plan for their marriages to fail often find that they do more frequently than those who plan on a lifetime together. How sad to watch him go to bed without her, taking his hurting heart along with him.

Thanks for including Lucy. While she is given a mention here and there, it felt right to have her center stage, if only for a few moments.

It was difficult to watch Lois and Clark as they drifted apart. Sometimes it’s too real. Everybody who has been married for more than a few years knows what it’s like to go through those distant seasons, but that doesn’t mean it’s fun.

Here’s hoping that their difficulties with finances will actually bring them closer together.

Somehow I don’t think so. They’re going to have to do this the hard way. They have to talk things out, not to mention that Lois has to stop the self-doubt. (I know, it’s impossible. She would have to entirely change inside.)

Thanks for writing, even though you are taking us down a lonely road.
