Martha and Ellen are way out of line. Yes, it is appropriate to evict screaming people from a hospital ward, but that doesn't give Ellen the right to kick Clark out until he makes nice with Lois.

I know that we all love Lois and how she treats Jory well, but the orderly is right; she doesn't belong there after visiting hours. She is just a visitor after all. Her passion doesn't make her Jory's mother.

Martha *had* the chance to be Jory's mother, but she pushed him on Clark. She can't have it both ways. Mothering isn't a part-time job any more than it's a temp job. She can't make the decisions as Jory's mother, but give up the day-to-day care. Her love for Jory doesn't make her Jory's mother. She gave up that right when she gave up Jory.

Only Clark is Jory's parent. Only he has the right to make day-to-day decisions for him. Even if they're mistakes, only he is in the position to make those decisions. He may feel as if he's the bad guy, but he is doing the best that he can. Certainly he has a lot of personality flaws, but that doesn't make him any less of a parent.

While Lois and Clark's parents can certainly advise Clark, when the decision is made it has to be Clark's alone. If they don't like it, they can lump it.

With that being said, I do hope that Lois is able to make peace with the fact that she is not a part of Jory's family. I hope she is able to show restraint. In addition, I hope Clark is able to find peace with Lois.
