It seems that the light-hearted bit went down well. smile I had fun writing that part, so I'm glad you enjoyed it. Normal gloom-and-doom services will be resumed shortly, I assure you.

Saskia, you said:
I can't believe you actually made him write a rap song Too bad you didn't make him sing it all...
One thing I just can't imagine is Clark singing! I enjoyed Shayne's Duet a lot, but I have to admit I had a bit problem dealing with a singing, piano-playing Clark Kent. So no, my Clark won't sing.

Maria, interesting theory. wink

Tank - I don't know *where* the idea for Clark getting drunk came from, but once I'd thought of it, it seemed to fit quite nicely. As you say, the show did whatever was necessary for the story, so I'm just continuing that great tradition. Mind you, I think there is some logic - if you combine the "don't care" attitude he had first time around with the "out of control" problem he had second time around, you kind of end up with the same sort of behaviour a drunk person might exhibit. Okay, I've used a bit of poetic licence there, but at least there's a tenuous thread connecting the various ideas together.

I think you and Trenna are right about the risk factors for Lois - it's not clear-cut, just like life is seldom a series of black-and-white choices. You'll see later on in the story how Lois and Clark eventually deal with this.
