I liked Cyrus' chat with Clark... the angel analogy was too cool thumbsup

Although at first I felt like both Cyrus and Clark were talking about different things (prejudice vs. government responsibility), I soon realized the similarity... it was subtle but in the end both were talking about individual rights. And Cyrus' positive outlook about things continually changing... that's so awesome. dance Definitely puts perspective on stuff.

Hmm, I get the feeling that Lois could face such barriers that eventually it'd be impossible for her to work as a successful TV reporter.. so her only option would be to move to a land far far away, perhaps to another world / universe wink

Anyways, looking forward to Lois' attack, er rescue. Maybe she'll get to use that pepper spray on the shadowy figure and then Clark could surprise her by coming to her rescue, get hit with the same perpper spray which rendered her attacker useless and not be affected. Revelation? :p

By the way who is the thug? Government wanting to unite her with Lucy? A nasty source? Just some drunk?

Looking forward to next part dance notworthy

If she had to move heaven and Earth, perhaps come back to haunt Perry and explain the story after they'd killed her, she would do it.

Waking a Miracle by Aria