Monday morning, hopefully starting my computer - yes, a new chapter! smile1

By the way, I hate Lana! This said, now on with the review!

The music was exciting. It called to something within him that he hadn’t known existed, just as the music to Star Wars had called to him when he was a child.
It´s exactly the same for me with that music. Even the Star Wars reference.

But after that, everything began to get more and more bizarre. If he’d had his powers as a toddler, he’d have been able to save his parents. He certainly wouldn’t have created a strange, masochistic identity for himself in which he was the butt of everyone’s jokes.

He’d had problems being accepted, but those were genuine problems that he hadn’t known how to deal with, not something he imposed on himself.
That´s much more believable than the bumbling Clark Kent from the Chris Reeve movies.

The suit should have looked gaudy and silly, but somehow it didn’t. The actor wearing it made it almost seem majestic.
Just try it, Clark! I think it would look well on you! laugh

Of course, reality had already shown him that he wasn’t in a movie. Lois Lane wasn’t infatuated with him in the least, and this one had already seen the movie. She was much more attractive than the woman in the movie, and less grating, yet Clark could see the similarities.
Lois not infatuated with you? Do you want to bet on that, Clark?
But my feeling regarding Margot Kidders´ Lois are much the same as yours.

Clark stared for a long moment at the other discs scattered out. He couldn’t bring himself to watch any of the others, not now that he knew what he needed to know.
I agree with the other reviewers: it could have been worse. He could have watched Superman II - or part III or IV! goofy