(I was asked if there would be more. I'm running out of characters but here is Nigel's take on villany.)

Villain 4: Nigel

Nigel walked back from having disposed of the body of Hoth. He walked precisely. Not walking so fast that he attracted attention nor so slow that he stood out. He did it precisely and methodically. Methodically he unlocked his non-descript car and entered. Precisely he checked that he’d been unobserved.

Precision and methodicalness, he mused, were the marks of a professional. And if he was anything, he was professional. He did his job very well. He wasn’t proud of his villainy, he left that to Luther who gloried in being unconstrained by society. But Nigel was proud of his professionalism and constrained by it.

Amateurs would blow up a city block to get one person and kill numerous bystanders. A professional, and Nigel was a professional, got only the target. That was the problem with the world: too many amateurs making a mess.

When he’d worked for governments it had been to mitigate the mess that was made. Politicians and spymasters and world leaders needed a mess made, occasionally, to prevent worse things. Professionals made a clean mess of it. Now he did the same professional things for Lex Luther. He did the dirty work with a minimum of dirtiness. If you wanted something done, get a proud professional to do it.