When I first saw this I thought it was going to be another lovely Home vignette about another one of the extended Kent family. Imagine my surprise when I found a whole Clark and Lori journalism conference fic coming our way!!!

hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper hyper

Of course, I should be working on a paper, but that wasn't going to stop me from reading this!!!

I love Clark and Lori! And Mary sounds so sweet! And Lara is going to have another baby! That threw me off guard, though I suppose it makes sense since she's super and all. If Clark can have kids in his 100s, I suppose it makes sense that Lara can in her... 90s? I forget how old she is now. Yeah, since CJ is 100, she must be in her 90s. Ronnie's gonna be a big sister!!!

I can't wait to see what's going to happen. I look forward to getting to know Eclipse and seeing life on the moon.

I'm glad you're recovering enough to give us this!!!! Here's to continuing recovery! And more fic too smile .

Carol [who really can't concentrate on her paper with four kids fighting with each other and who is now really glad she reread parts of Home recently and contemplated rereading parts of Circle of Fate today but couldn't let herself because of said paper]