Thank you for your comments smile - I'm glad you guys liked it (for the most part, anyway, huh?) wink

Seriously, though, yes - it's an alternate take on what hurts (or doesn't) Superman. I think I didn't make that clear in an introduction or an author's note (I've tweaked the story a touch to change that). I think you're right that in the comics he withstood a nuclear blast - and in that case the premise of my story doesn't make as much sense as it should, perhaps. Actually, I don't know if the nuclear thing was widespread through the comics, or if it was just one issue or so. I remember (and only vaguely) that while he could withstand it as far as not dying, it did "mess him up" to quote my husband.

But the nuclear blast bit aside, it's always vaguely bothered me that kryptonite affects Superman instantaneously - and so extremely - while it barely if at all affects humans. Yes, I know it's from Krypton and is different under a yellow sun, as is Superman, but still - radiation is radiation. (Mind you, the whole equally unbelievable superhuman man who can fly, etc. doesn't bother me at all!) goofy

So anyway, when I wrote the first Side Effects (and that one was purely intended to be comedy), I was still thinking I might explore (yet another) alternate take where kryptonite ends up being like any other radiation except that because he's super, it takes away his powers first.

And yes, the "real" Lois would get mad. I guess in the back of my mind she still might, but I didn't put it in the story. This Lois had to rein it in because of witnesses, and you know she doesn't usually hold stuff in - so I had her work through it without the anger. Actually, I kind of wanted to give it more of a twinge of her being hurt, but I'm not sure that came across, the way I wrote it. I like your comment, Shayne - my husband says the same thing! goofy

I'm so glad you liked most of my Lois, Ann. Some of the things you quoted were my own favorites (if I'm allowed to say that). One thing I've always enjoyed about her - and many authors here write her that way - is her feistiness. And I personally love writing her babbling in her thoughts.

Thank you both for your comments! smile I love getting feedback because it always helps me make the story better (I think every story I've submitted to the archive is at least slightly different than the one I posted on the boards).


TicAndToc :o)


"I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three."
-Elayne Boosler