Fantastic as usual, Shayne!

I love how you made us see the cogs in Clark's head slowly turning. This was so absolutely chilling:

He could come to only one conclusion. This wasn't his world.

If cities were disappearing, it would be all over the news. If these people made such a big deal about a plane landing, they'd be all over the disappearance of millions of people.

The only conclusion he could come to was that it wasn't the city of Metropolis that had disappeared…it was him and the plane he had carried.
Yes, Clark! That's the way it is.

This, too, was gut-chilling:

At Clark's look of incomprehension, the man leaned forward and said, “Lois Lane. You know…Lois Lane…Superman?”

Clark shrugged. “I don't follow the comics.”

His own life was fantastic enough that he had no need for fantastic tales. Also, when he'd been old enough to want comics, his foster parents hadn't wanted to spend the money.

“Four major movies, three or four television series…guy in a blue suit and a red cape? None of it ring a bell?”

Clark shook his head.

“Super strong, he flies, pretends to be a mild mannered reporter during the day, grew up in Smallville?”

Frozen, Clark said, “My parents didn't let me read comic books.”
Super strong, he flies, pretends to be a mild mannered reporter during the day, grew up in Smallville... indeed, Clark, doesn't that ring a bell?

How horrible would it be to be described like that by strangers who seem to know you, yet obviously they don't know you?

But of course, like Jenn said, Clark himself has never been Superman. He has never worn a colorful blue suit with a red-and-yellow 'S' shield and a red cape, and he has never shown his powers in public. Because Lana would never let him do such a thing, and he was married to Lana.

If he can get back, he will still be married to her. (Unless she has already had him declared dead, so that she could marry someone else.)

Oh boy, I hope he won't get back!

Unlike Patrick, I don't think that this Lois is from Clark's universe at all. I really think they are from different universes. I think they have just been drawn together by their overwhelmingly strong soulmate-ship. I very much hope so anyway!

Oh, I can't wait until Lois meets Clark! Please come back with more soon, Shayne!
