This is really good! Lots of mysterious goings-on, people who aren't where they're supposed to be (and who don't even exist where they are now), a super man who won't be hurt by that missile (to the extreme consternation of those who launched it), a reporter who will see or hear something on that video tape which will cause her to overturn all that she "knows" to be true about Superman, and a yet unrevealed agency which has shifted the Man of Steel to yet another dimension (which is chillingly similar to our own reality).

Like others, I look forward to the first meeting between Lois and Clark. And the first meeting between Lois and some of those people off the plane. Will she assume "mass hysteria" when they tell her that Superman saved them? Or will she look at the facts objectively and accept the only possible conclusion, despite its apparent impossibility?

Whatever happens, it's sure to enthrall us. Keep it coming!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing