Squee! You posted it!

Well, you know how much I enjoyed this story. It was a fun idea when you started bouncing ideas off me several weeks ago, but with your magic touch, you've polished it into an absolute delight. Not only do you reunite Alt-Clark and his Lois, but you find a way for Rose to get back to the Doctor!

I love all the parallels between the two couples you've sprinkled throughout the story -- the hand-holding, the lonely hero, the age difference. You know I'm not a big fan of the "Clark ages slowly" theory, but in this case, it makes perfect sense, as a way to compare the Lois/Clark bond with the Rose/Doctor bond. I especially liked Lois's response to Clark's worry about her reaction to his age. As Rose would say, "That's one hell of an age gap!", but just like it doesn't matter to Rose (what's 900 years between friends *g*), it wouldn't matter to Lois either.

(And maybe this Clark will find some way to give up some of his lifeforce in this universe, like our Clark did in "Brutal Youth" , so he'll be able to spend the rest of his life with his Lois, not just a small fraction of it. If not, well, he and the Doctor can always hang out for a few more centuries. And then there's Jack ... oh, man, I can only think of what Jack would make of Clark. I think Clark would spend the next hundred years blushing, LOL!)

Great job, B. I now get to enjoy your talents in all three of the fandoms we share, which makes me very, very happy! clap
