Lois bounded into the room, using her long hairy arms to scoot herself across the floor. She reached for his hand with her prehensile tail, swinging herself into his arms. She screeched at him happily. He patted the soft chestnut fur on the top of her head.
I laughed so hard that I thought I’d fall off my chair!!

Today was going to be a dangerous day at the DEA.
Hah! The only way that Dan could get Lois was to get his own Lois in the form of a monkey!

What was it about Lois that she needed to play chicken with death all of the time?
Yeah, Lois. Why?

Haven’t you ever heard that curiosity killed the monkey?”

“The cat,” she corrected automatically
Not if you’re Curious Geo...uh, Lois. Curious Lois.

His hat opened and a mechanical arm delivered a bouquet of flowers.
Better than that awful sculpture.

I love how you did these dreams and made them so ‘life like’. You got me both times... Especially since somehow I can imagine Dan using that helicopter and using his hand as a phone... Giggles.

She reached a hand out, drawing comfort as Clark closed his fingers around hers. “On second thought, why don’t you drive me home? The company might be nice.”

And a special thank you to James for providing me with the poster. I know he enjoyed messing with Dan's face.
Poster? What poster? Edit - Found it!

Great story, Elisabeth!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~