I really like how you let us see Lois's frustration and fear of asking Clark if it was him that she had kissed last night. Because, well, it might have been Superman, the real Superman, instead. (Oh, Lois... :rolleyes: )

What you didn't write, but let us feel on our own, was how Clark was going through the same kind of doubts and fears. Could he refer to the kisses they had shared? What if she had kissed him just because she was drunk? What if she had forgotten it by now and would be furious if he reminded her of it? What if she even thought he had been taking advantage of her?

So neither of them dares to ask or to refer to what really happened. And yet both of them so much want to do it.

You had me giggling at the penultimate line of this part:

Clark leaned in to murmur, “If this guy is lying, I hope we can nail him with some hard evidence.”
Who is lying, Clark, but you? And as for nailing the lying guy with some hard evidence... my mind was really in the gutter for a moment there. Sorry. blush
