Wowza, thanks for all the feedback!

Okay, now I understand. Clark/Superman is still here, and the kid has been brought here from an alternate dimension or another universe (I think). I thought that if the kid was here, then the adult Clark/Superman would have disappeared and been replaced with the kid.
Yeah, I'm going for what cp33 and carolm said--little Clark is from this universe, just brought forward in time. Any suggestions for how I could make that more clear?

Can't wait to see how fast you get Martha here! wink

Yep. That's what I got too - instead of trying to kill baby CK before M/J find him in L/C continuity, Lex/Tempus bring the 4yo, newly arrived Kal-El to the present before M/J found him.
Yes, that's basically what I'm going for. Lois doesn't know when/where L/T grabbed Kal from, but it was from when he was a kid, so she's assuming he was taken from Krypton.

"Can you say 'chief'?"
I love poking at Perry. He's such a lovable teddy bear, once you get under that gruff grizzly exterior. smile

Temp paradoxons. If he gets back again in time to grow up as Clark, he would be there to be Superman in the present.

Otherwise, Lois wouldn´t remember either.

See Back to the Future for instance.
Man, I love that you mentioned Back to the Future. I watched those movies so much when I was little (the first came out the year I was born). I could probably repeat the whole script, and so could my parents--though I doubt they are happy about that fact. goofy

There will be more talk on the consequences of time travel in future parts.

Not that you have to obey any of these rules, Mercy. After all, what do those science fiction people know about time travel anyway? For that matter, what does anyone? To my knowledge, no one has ever traveled back in time in real life, or jumped ahead in time, either. I'm fine with you making your own rules, as long as I understand what your rules are. I didn't at first, which is why I was confused.

Ah, but let's get on with the story, shall we?
Yeah, if I let the physicist in me tear into this story, there would be nothing left. Sometimes the best way to handle the bullets of time travel is to just duck 'em.

Well, they do in canon...

Clark and Lois go back in time in TF and baby CK is there - Clark even holds him at one point and takes him back to the spacecraft.
That's the precedent I'm basing this on. smile

Woops. Meant to comment in this FDK. Loving this story Mercy!
Thanks steph!

Very fun story so far. As for the time travel thing... I tend to just ignore any niggling questions in the back of my head and enjoy the story. One question though: Is this going to be anything like that one movie called "The Kid"?
Ha, no, it's not like that movie. I had to imdb it to see what you were talking about. Basically, I made Kal come to earth at an older age so that I could play with the idea of an alien child thrust into our world. Add in Lois Lane--notoriously not a kid person--and things are bound to get interesting!

I called the story "The Kid" because that's what everyone (er, all the fanboys) were calling Jason in Superman Returns when filming first started an Lois was seen toting a small child. Back before people knew she was supposed to be a mommy. (And even after--he wasn't very popular.)

Is it too early to beg for the next part?

Should someone be calling Martha?!
Posted! But no Martha yet, sorry. angel-devil

My take on it is that little Clark was already found by Martha and Jonathan (hence the t-shirt/jeans and the knowledge of Elvis), but he hasn't been here long enough to have picked up on the entire language yet.