Ann wrote:
A crowbar was just lying there on the ground, waiting for her? smile Well, I'm not complaining!
I see you've never worked in an American warehouse, Ann, especially one that's neither new nor often used. (Not that you've actually missed anything!) There are broken pallets all over the place, open crates, tools of all description lying around, and a thick layer of dust coating everything. I'm a little surprised that Lois didn't find a crowbar for each hand. They're really handy tools for that environment.

But they're also fairly heavy, and hitting someone on the head with a crowbar isn't the best way to insure their long-term health. I wouldn't be surprised to hear Henderson chewing out Lois for sending the ambulance to find those two dying of depressed skull fractures, or at least comatose with grade three concussions.

Chapter Two:

For once Lois was smart not to play with the time machine. And Kal seems to be quite mature for a four-year-old. He hasn't cried once, hasn't thrown a single tantrum, hasn't shouted in frustration, hasn't tried to run away from this crazy crowbar-wielding maniac. If only my kids had been this serene at that age.

Maybe he just needs some time to assimilate English. He had to have seen or heard of Elvis from somewhere! Maybe his adoptive parents had a Velvet Elvis on the living room wall?

Hey, in Kansas, almost anything's possible.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing