I love it! (And of course, I knew you were assigned my story for the ficathon. You never did get your "Lying badge" when you were in the Boy Scouts.)

Martha smiled. Food she could do.
I imagine Bobby thinks this is true love.

What a hilarious couple Bobby and Martha make in this investigation--Martha's purse, Bobby's long legs (as well as his normal self-preservation), and...

It was an organic, pepper-based spray and its effects were short-lived, but it was enough to incapacitate for a few minutes.
Because we want to hurt bad guys without hurting the environment. Funny that I've never seen any of this at the local health-food store.

Clark looked like a slowly rotating pinwheel and Lois started to snore.
Good thing that Clark awoke first. goofy

With some trial and error, they successfully dumped several thousand gallons of their concentrated concoction into the water supply. The color of the water turned a nice shade of deep blue. They didn’t want to tip off anyone that something was up by changing the water to some stupid color, like orange or something like that.
What a hilarious thought! Although I have three children who would love it if the faucet started pouring out orange water. They would sit and drink all morning, hoping not to be caught.

I love it, babycakes. sloppy
