As they danced, Clark reached inward and touched the link, the connection he shared with Lois. It felt like she was having fun. She certainly deserved to have some fun.
I applauded as I read this. The link between Lois and Clark isn't a one-way thing. Clark, too, uses it to know Lois's general mood and feelings.

Suddenly he jumped as though he'd been shocked. Alice felt him jerk and stopped dancing. “Clark, are you okay?”

He shook his head. “I think so. I – don't really know what that was.”

As Clark blinked and tried to clear his head, Alice gestured to the grand staircase at the far end of the huge room. “Me neither, but everyone else seems to be paying attention to whoever that is.”

Clark glanced around and saw dozens of excited faces, some of whom were celebrities in their own rights, gazing at the man on the staircase with a blend of awe and envy. So he nudged his glasses down to the end of his nose and zoomed in on the man.

It was Lex Luthor.

And Lois's shock at seeing him for the first time was the source of the jolt he'd felt a moment ago.
It was Lex! And Lois responded incredibly strongly to him!

She'd seen his pictures. She'd read the sanitized biographies. She'd culled a good deal of less public information from a number of sources. She'd heard his voice in the few live interviews she'd been able to find.

But nothing had prepared Lois Lane for his physical presence, his magnetism, his larger-than-life self.
She is enormously attracted to him? To Lex?

Terry, you may or may not be aware of the fact that these days, I only read and comment on stories where I like the portrait of Lois. Lois must figure sufficently prominently in the story, and she must be portrayed in such a way that I like and approve of her. Lois is absolutely crucial to me. If I don't like Lois in the story, then it doesn't matter if I like that particular version of Clark. That is not enough.

Terry, you know that I have always liked - heck, very often loved - your Lois. She is headstrong, vulnerable, brave, caring, honest, and she loves Clark. She really loves only Clark. Sometimes I think she has given too much to Clark and asked for too little in return, but even so, I've always loved the fact that she has only loved Clark.

I was not prepared for this Lois's reaction to Lex.

It's not as if you didn't warn us before you posted this story. You did.

But the thing is, I suddenly realized that this was part twelve out of forty-one, and we might be looking forward to chapter after chapter about Lois and Lex. If Lois eventually grows tired of Lex and tries to get away from him, I guess we will also be treated to a couple of chapters of self-recrimination on Lois's part. And I have to tell you, Terry, I don't know if I can take it.

I think you are a great writer, and I think it's such a good thing that you post so many stories here. But right here, right now, I don't know if I can follow this particular story any more.
