This thought of Lucy's struck me:
The one red dress from beneath was as beautiful as it had been the day her sister had worn it.
It makes me wonder if it's the red dress Lois wore to Georgie Hairdo's casino, and if she was the one who didn't survive that night, since Lois apparently only wore it once. If so, the dress would have special significance for Kal-El, and very few others would grasp the emotional impact it would have on him. If this is true, then we can get a glimpse of how much Clark needs Lois in his life, how much he needs that flawed, stubborn, headstrong, take-no-prisoners woman by his side. It shows us just how much Lois means to Clark, and by extension, how much she means to Superman. Without her, there probably wouldn't have been the Superman we all know.

Very poignant, Shayne. Sad and bittersweet, with just enough hope to soften the blow. That one's a definite keeper.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing