Beautifully written. Most impressive. This is a splendid portrait of Clark Kent, the non-Kryptonian vampire. He really is a vampire and he really is Clark Kent, with all or most of Clark Kent's good qualities.

Except, of course, he needs blood to survive.

And he has killed three humans, though he vowed that he would never kill again.

But now Lois's scent fills his entire person with a red haze. Wow.

“You care to join the ranks of the living anytime today, Lois?”

Behind Perry White, the stranger cracked an odd, self deprecating smile, his teeth a blinding white.
Gaaaahh. Lois belongs to the ranks of the living. But for how long? When will she have a close encounter of the third kind with those blindingly white teeth?

Lois looked at him oddly, but with her scent so nearby, he had to fight to keep his eyeteeth from lengthening, to keep the bloodlust clear from his mind.

Lois was looking at him curiously, blissfully unaware of how close she had come to death—how much she appealed to him. Her beauty hurt him; it was pure and unblemished and good, the opposite of himself. His eyes darkened as he thought of what might have been, or what could still occur. Her high-cut suit obscured her neck, but he knew it would be the same snowy white as the rest of her body. Just the thought of her lifeless body left him ashamed and aching.

He watched her go, a deep longing forming in his heart. She simply embodied life, everything denied to him.

He had spent the day totally aware of her, of the way her heart raced when she spoke on the phone to what was obviously a source, the frantic way she'd scribbled notes, and above all, her scent, which called to him as no other human's had. It was a pleasure bordering on pain. It called to mind all the impulses he stifled: his hunger, and both his lust and bloodlust.

It called to mind his demonic nature.
And wow.

Fantastic, Laura! Splendidly written, too. Will your Clark hurt Lois? Will he kill her? I can't really believe that he will. But as for that overwhelming attraction that your Clark feels for Lois, something tells me that just maybe this should have been posted in the nfic folder.
