Coolgirl, I am so sorry that I haven't been leaving feedback to your story but I have been reading and keeping up with it. School has just been a bear!

Now, the important stuff...
Surprised, she looked up at him, at the face that had haunted her dreams once upon a time. She was still left awe-struck by him, his strength and capabilities. And she did love him, in her own small way. And she could still feel that physical attraction that assaulted her senses, whenever he was around. But it was nothing compared to what she felt for Clark.

With Clark, she felt love - that indescribable feeling that came from familiarity and intimacy and yet every time she heard his name, she felt as though she was being born again. She hadn’t recognized it when he was around, tailing behind her at work, leading her during their stakeouts and walking with her always. Yet it had been there. Hadn’t she sub-consciously recognized it when she had been affected by the pheromone? And that kiss at Lexor! Hadn’t she dreamed about it for months?
Finally, Lois is coming to her senses. She realizes that she was just really more infatuated with the idea of Superman more than the person underneath the suit. She is making progress because she has actually verbalized, though not to anyone but herself, that she *loves* Clark.
She wanted an ever-lasting love – that would keep her safe, secure and happy. She wanted Clark. She needed Clark.
And Clark can offer her that.
“Yes!” he spat, and started to leave. But then on a second thought he turned back and burst out, “No! I am not okay. What the hell were you thinking, crossing the road like that? Never studied in your first-form about traffic rules, eh? Or forgotten? Is this how you were planning to take care of yourself after marrying Luthor, eh? Oh! I forgot! You wouldn’t have needed to walk had you been married to him, isn’t that it? You’d have had air-conditioned limousines to escort you, eh? Now that Luthor’s gone, you are so dejected that you don’t even value your life and want to go the same way he did!”
“No!” she shouted back at him, angry and hurt by his unfounded accusations. “I would have rather have died there than call for you, Superman. You should have known that! After the way you treated me last time, it is a wonder I am still standing here talking to you. All I did that day was ask you if there’s any hope for us. You could have said your ‘No’ a bit more decently. You were the one who made that callous joke about my robe. And you didn’t even stay through the conversation, did you?”
Wow. I guess Lois really is feeling hopeless and dejected. But, Clark is really just worried about Lois and doesn't know how to show her because he is so angry at her. She scared him. He probably thought he had lost her. And her response probably really confused him...made him think that she is so depressed that she really doesn't care if she lives or dies.
“Superman…” she squeaked, suddenly frightened. Not that he would hurt her physically. She knew he wasn’t capable of harming anybody, even in his anger. But she was frightened of his mood. It seemed as if he was nearing the end of his control. His voice turned very thick and husky. His eyes turned intense black and passionate. As if confirming her suspicions, he roughly pulled her into his arms and his mouth swooped down to claim hers in a very passionate kiss, born out of intense anger.
Yep. He's near the edge but Lois sent him there.
“I am sorry, Lois. I got… it got… out of control… I didn’t mean…”

She turned around, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

“I shouldn’t have done this, Superman. I love Clark.” she said.

“You love Clark? No Lois, you don’t love Clark. You just think that you love him.” he said softly, as if he was explaining her own mind to her.
It's almost as if Clark is trying to talk Lois out of loving Clark or is he just seeking confirmation?
“I know what you must think of me,” she said sadly, “that I am either a slut running behind men or a person who doesn’t know her own mind. I am sorry Superman, we shouldn’t have kissed. But thank you for saving me today, and all those times before. I shall always be grateful for that, and I shall make sure I don’t put myself in danger henceforth.”
Oh, Lois...
The clock showed that it was almost two o’clock in the morning. Snuggling back into the covers, she turned to the other side when she noticed that somebody was sitting on the chair.

After the initial shock, she remembered that she hadn’t seen Superman leave that night.

“Superman,” she called out softly.

The person in the chair had apparently been sleeping because he visibly jerked on hearing her voice.

“Lois?” he called out softly.

“Clark?” she gasped.
So, will they finally talk now?

Loved it! Loved it! Loved it! Nicely done...and hurry back!


I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.