"Clark, uh--. The other members of the gang are becoming suspicious of him because he's not indulging in, uh, companionship."

The muscle jumped in his jaw again. "I shouldn't have come here," he mumbled and turned as if he were about to leave.
Don’t put her in danger, Clark!

Her heart was hammering painfully in her chest and she realized that, as much as she wanted the story, she wanted to see Clark again even more.

"He'll keep me safe, I know he will. Please, Superman, let me help him."
Is this a TOGOM?

"OK." Happiness flooded through her at the thought that she was going to see Clark again - and soon.

"Then we're in luck. I can do floozy."
You sure can. If you are going to be Angel, is Clark being Spike?

"All too well. What if you wore a different shirt, instead? Something that would make it possible for you to wear a, a, a--"
I love that Clark is so blush

I'll rock the naughty librarian look, just for you.
Naughty elves and now naughty librarians!

Clark gave her a wink. "That's why he's my hero."
Ack! No! You can’t end it there. This story MUST be continued!

My first thought was this was Nan-fic, but then when I read the bit about rocking the naughty librarian look, I wasn't so sure. Second guess - Lara Moon.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~