So here's the much talked about part sex... err, six.
Oh yeah. cool I'm psyched. This has been much awaited. On with the show!

A soft sound, like someone clearing their throat, caught her attention and she glanced over towards her open living room window. A neon light had been put up across the street and she was still trying to get used to the unnatural red glow that now filtered in through the window. When she had the lights on in her apartment she normally didn’t notice it. But with all the lights off and her eyes not yet acclimated to the dark, it...
*oh* This is very most definitely reminding me of my desktop background.

Her breath caught in her chest. He... he wasn’t wearing his Suit! Or cape! He was dressed in... regular clothes. He had on a dark-colored men’s suit with a white dress shirt. There was no tie. The shirt was completely unbuttoned, exposing the simple cotton t-shirt he was wearing underneath. The white sleeves of the shirt were exposed where they rolled back over the coat sleeves and his shirt was untucked.
*giddy* Why is this so... sexy? I absolutely LOVE Superman coming over dressed in normal clothes. That's just so... terrifying and... sexy. Weird.

*blinks* Let me go refresh the story. Just got a PM from DJ herself...

a wallpaper that Laura S made (that I tried to recreate in this fic)
Oh. *Blushes* If it helped create this fantastic, nailbiter fic... you can set me in front of paintshop pro for hours and I'll try anything to do it again! Okay. Back to the sexy, red-tinged, lustful Clark.

“Mmmm,” he murmured, giving her another slow taste. “I said I’d come back... we’d go flying.”

Her brain stuttered. This *was* Superman. The real one. No one could possibly know that but him.
Aghh!!! I KNEW IT! Gah! It's getting better and better.

A noise came from his lips that could have almost been a chuckle if it hadn’t sounded so dark and disturbing. “I am Clark.”
jawdrop DJ, you're giving me a heart attack!

//”...force her. You must show her that you are not to be denied. Her subjection must be complete. Even if you have to force her. You must show her that you are not to be denied. Her subjection must be complete. Even if...”//

jawdrop TWO jawdrop smileys, this is what your story is reducing me too! A quivering, purple, jaw drop.

Laying her cheek against his shoulder, she whispered softly in his ear. “I know you don’t mean this. You would never do this.” She let out a shaky breath and shut her eyes even tighter, steeling herself for what was about to happen, fighting him would only make it worse.
This is just so... so... oh my god! It's so sweet and yet so heartbreaking!

A black stretch limo.
ASHGFUIFDHGIDS! *grabs DJ by the collar* I need.... part...7....! This was... wow. I'm certainly too riled to go to bed now. *Anxiously bounces in chair* I'm thinking Kerth award, DJ, no joke whatsoever.


Thanks to CapeFetish for the awesome icon. smile