I'm late again! frown Sorry, guys. For some reason, my writing slowed dramatically somewhere in this story, and I've been having difficulty getting it going again. The good news (well, I hope it's good news! wink ) is that in the last few days inspiration and motivation have really been flowing, so I hope to be able to keep to a schedule from now on.

Part 29 is currently with my loyal and long-suffering beta-reader. However, she has a very busy schedule this week and doesn't expect to be able to get to it for a few days. So... daring, this goofy ...I'm going to post the unBRed section. You'll have to bear with me in that case!

Now, on to part 28. I was a bit worried about that first big Superman action scene, and I'm delighted that you all seemed to think it worked!! Thank you so much. Especially Gerry, who really made me blush:

That's the way Superman should have made his debut. He was able to show his different powers in a variety of ways and was extremely helpful. He kept reiterating that he was "a friend" which should appease many of the people around him.
And Pam:
Heh, fun stuff. Sweet flying scene. Good rescue scene, too -- well orchestrated on your part, and smoothly executed on Clark's part. And I loved the "deer in the headlights" look he'd get whenever he was asked about his name -- by the time Lois asked him, it was hilarious. But she did get "Superman" out there in public, so the follow-up in the Daily Planet tomorrow should set them up nicely.
Thank you too! And for the 'boffins' catch; geeks it became. <g> And Yvonne, there is no way that you could have been expected to catch that!

Vicki - hope you won your space war! wink - glad you liked this:
Loved how he changed his clothes
I had a lot of fun with that, as Yvonne knows! Oh, and as for them being in love and not admitting it yet... more to come. <g>

Kaethel, thank you so much! I was amazed that you spent your precious holiday time wading through this! And you flatter me too much!

Now, get Lois and Clark alone for some well-deserved smoochies-time! Yes, you know, Wendy, the smoochies you're supposed to be scribbling on boxes right now. Right. It starts on box B-24 and continues at the back of box T-146. Now type it all back on your computer screen. Right. Now, dcc to Kaethel. Goooooood. Excellent. Happy now.
ROFL!! rotflol Nope, nothing got written on boxes; there's not a lot of spare time, let alone inspiration, for writing when one is moving house! <g> But now that we're all moved... well, you never know. But why a box when a PC screen is so much more practical? <g>

Tank said (not surprisingly):
Wendy, everything is too pleasant, and going way too smoothly. Are you ill? Where is the evil Wendy that we all know and love so well.

Is it? Well... all I can say is don't hold your breath... too long. wink On the other hand, you never know!

Thanks again, Maria, Pam, Martha, Laura, Roger, Saskia, Sherry, Tricia, Yvonne, Merry, Vicki, Alicia, Nan, Gerry, Missy, Tank and Kaethel. More soon!!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*