I like Lois without her memory. She's just so sharp and interesting. I see glimpses of first season Lois (and I don't get tired of mentioning how much I like that claws out characterization). She's so indomitable and fascinating. That aside I like how she's willing to seriously dig at her past. I always think Luthor got the short end of the stick in the show. He always seemed a bit of a caricature there (dude that snake scene, please). So, I like for instance this moment in the fic:

Or did she? What had passed between her and Lex to make him so doggedly obsessed with her? Here was a man who could have had anyone in the world, but he was in love with her. She had thought him handsome. And he had certainly seemed warm and sincere when he had found her at Bibbo's nightclub. And his kiss? It had been nice. She couldn't deny that she had felt something when he kissed her.
I know a bunch of readers are probably shuddering at this and they're right on some level, but all the same even knowing who Luthor really is, Lois is willing to face up to stuff that's not exactly pleasant in her own perception. She does actually go see him and this really goes far in showing how deep she wants to go into her past. It wasn't something easy either, you have her here:

feeling a strange dread settle over her. What exactly was she hoping to accomplish? Would seeing him and knowing who he really was spark a memory for her?
And protective/jealous Clark:

Lois glanced over her shoulder and was surprised to see Clark standing there. His expression made her feel as though she had just been caught being unfaithful.
Amazing scene. It's just so intense for those brief moments!

Is it just that Clark fears for her? I get the feeling it's more than that. And I do agree that he's being controlling. Again the situation is such that I don't know if I can expect anything else from him (how far can he trust a Lois without memories?), but he annoyed me a little (and I love how she put him his place asap). Hmm. Let's see if he shapes up and finds a better way to relate to her.

Good stuff!



Oh, the things I'm clearing off my hard drive while I procrastinate another story.
You know which one I'm waiting for...

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan