Damn it, people, does it look like I have time to write a sequel? razz I'm too busy sitting here staring into space and eating a pink donut. I have priorities. laugh

That being said, thanks for all of the feedback so far! I hope Zoar3 will see her story soon! I don't want her to think she was abandoned!

I am glad you all like the ambiguity of the door closing. I came up with that at the last minute while driving to work yesterday and I was so excited I didn't realize I was all of a sudden going 15 miles over the speed limit. Guess I was just THAT excited to get here and write it. (And contrary to what Sue may tell you I was doing yesterday afternoon, i.e. slacking off and talking on IRC laugh ), I did manage to get it done!

Those who suggested a nfic version ... that brings up a good point. Based on what I wrote, what if they did sleep together that night? That would make her anger even more justifiable in WWW ... hmm ... now I'm thinking ... and preparing to slack off some more. Work is highly overrated when you've got fic to write. Wouldn't you all agree? wink

Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"

Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."

"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"