Such a wonderful ending to a great story!!

Since you did such a good job I'll pull out some of my "nice" little friends just for you!

[Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

Normally after such a project I'd say you deserve a break, but since you're back in school, I'll just send a bit of a vacation along to you this way: [Linked Image]

Now for the story:

I loved Clark's article <snif> it was so touching and wonderfully introspective. I also loved Lois editing it.
“You do realize that up until a few weeks ago, I was the one editing your papers?” Clark said, leaning against the wall. Lois had spent quite a lot of her time over at his place since Claude had broken her story and now they existed in a sort of easy companionship.

“Yes, and your spelling and grammar is flawless,” Lois said, giving him a brilliant smile over her shoulder. She highlighted another whole chunk of text and started typing furiously. “But you’re no good at these puff pieces. Hard news is your thing, I can tell.”
[Linked Image]

“I haven’t taught at a high school and learned nothing these past years,” Clark had breathed into her ear. “Prepare yourself; this is going to be very, very childish.”
You know--every teacher out there has a fantasy something like this--being able to put to good use those things we pick up from the kids--but have to act like we really disapprove. . .

“H-how, Superman! How did you know my name?” Claude took a half step backwards as Clark took one forward.

“I’ve made it a priority to find out Ms. Lane’s friends,” he said lightly. His voice hardened somewhat. “And the people who have ever wronged her.”

“You don’t want to find out what happened to the last man who wronged Lois,” Superman half turned to Lois. “Who was that guy again? That jerk who snubbed you in the hall in eighth grade?”

Lois turned her snort of laughter into a cough and quickly nodded. “Yes. But you might be confusing him with the guy who turned me down freshman year when I asked him to the dance.”

Superman scowled. “The swine! Metropolis General Hospital probably has room for him in the new Superman Foundation wing. I’ll be sure to …visit…him. Call the hospital and tell them to make room for one more, all right?”

When Superman turned back from Lois to Claude, the man was gone.
[Linked Image]And I can just see Clark keeping a straight face the whole time. . .


Have a great school year and don't forget us--we make a great excuse to not do your homework!!


Johnny was a chemist,
Now Johnny is no more,
For what he thought was H two O
Was really H two S O four.
--Lab safety limrick--