Also, the current topic of debate is whether you told me you were Superman before or after we slept together. And if it’s considered cheating if I slept with both of you, but didn’t know you were one person.
rotflol rotflol

posted September 13, 2007 06:04 PM
I'm so glad you guys are enjoying my story so far. I know this was a short part, but as soon as I wrote that last line of Lois' I HAD to leave it as a cliffhanger.

Your right Elisabeth, the article is about Lois not by her. And, Ralph didn't write it. I always pictured him as too much of a pussy to really do anything nasty other than being a jerk. He's too fond of his job at the Planet to risk it selling out secrets to tabloids

I'm glad you guys like that Lois hasn't completely forgiven Clark yet. I was worried I would get some disappointed people after the waffy scene just before this one. But I think that the Lois we know doesn't do very well in bottling up emotions, even when she wants to. She has been hurt, and that's not just going to go away...

There will be another part out VERY soon, so don't worry. (and this time, I will resist the "short chapter with a cliffhanger" impulse
*inserts hypotism* long chapter with cliff-hanger...long chapter with cliff-hanger...you will not resist...


Great part!

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy