Thanks for all the great feedback once again!

Ann, You're right, Clark's real revelation would not be nearly as well thought out and pretty as he as told Lois. I like to think of that as his ideal revelation, but it would never actually work out that way. The only reason why he could do it in this scene was because Lois already knew and he knew that she knew and etc. What with Lois being the way she is, and Clark's habit of screwing things up, his fantasy would never have played out. But Lois gave him the chance to tell her in the way he wanted to without all the pressure of an actual revelation!

Also, In normal circumstances, Clark would have recognized Lois' heartbeat, but remember that he's spent the last day with no sleep, under extreme mental pressure, and is slowly having his life torn apart from all directions. I think in this case we can cut the guy some slack!

Thanks everyone for posting! Who doesn't love Clark in nervous babble mode?

Let me just end off by saying that although Lois has forgiven Clark, it does take more than a pretty speech and some smooches to work past a year of lies and deception. Although Lois and Clark are still a team, Clark is far from being in the clear with Lois.