Yes, very good!

But at this, the good old fighter Lois Lane chimed in: he had hurt her, she argued. The lies he spun for public consumption had been for her too! He had left her in the dark about so many things. How could she just forget about that? At the same time, New Lois said, how many of her escapades were fully backed by him? Most of the time she just dived right in, expecting Clark to follow willingly. Maybe he deserved some loyalty in return. But this, Old Lois complained, was different circumstances.


At the same time, New Lois reminded her, they both knew that their relationship was more than just professional, that they were partners after they had left the Planet for the day. Could she put all her hurt feelings behind for the time being and support her partner, and friend, and maybe more? It went against Lois' nature, but how could she expect such loyal devotion from Clark when she wasn't willing to do the same thing for him?
I love Old (Mad Dog) Lois and New (softer) Lois arguing about Clark! And hey, I think New Lois is winning!

She didn't even know about the gun until the echo of its shot was heard across the newsroom. Quickly, she turned to see the perpetrator, only to confront a large, tightly clasped hand, an inch from her face. That hand was, of course, connected to her partner Clark Kent. Before she could even process what must have happened, Clark had sped across the room and was holding the shooter's hands behind his back in one hand and holding the gun in the other. Lois was curious. This was the first time she had seen Clark perform any kind of super-duties while not in uniform and she was interested to see the difference.
Wow. Lois was an inch from being killed, but Clark saved her. And she is completely unruffled and matter-of-fact about it! So Lois! Anyway, what a dramatic situation, with Clark's hand an inch from her face, clasping the bullet that was meant to kill her!

Although Clark still exuded the same confidence that Superman did, the energy was less flashy somehow. Clark's face was drawn with tension and he didn't hold himself in the same broad, all powerful stance that Superman did. Instead of making the usual admonishing comments in a clear, ringing tone, he spoke in a subdued voice.

“Why would you try a stunt like that? You knew I was here. You knew I would stop you.” The man refused to speak. Lois could see the sorrow over the man's attack evident on Clark's face.
This moves me - Clark's quiet dignity and his sorrow over the the situation.

“I'll come back later and take you home; you could be in danger too.” Lois shook her head. Although she would appreciate a paparazzi-free ride home, flying with Clark was much too close contact until she sorted out her very confused feelings over this whole affair.

“No, Clark. You need to watch out for other people. I'll be fine, I always am.
Leaving Lois alone, just after someone has tried to murder her and others may very well come up with the same bright idea, is not necessarily a smart move.

I love how Clark sat on the roof of his parents' house in Smallville, and how Jonathan climbed up to him, using a ladder. That's the kind of scene that was popular in the Superman comics in the late eighties and maybe in the nineties.

Clark watched as his dad disappeared from view. Leaning back to lay on the shingles, he drank in the light of the stars. It was so peaceful here. Clark wished he could stay on this roof top forever, but he knew that tomorrow he would have to go back to Metropolis and take care of the mess that Diana Stride had left his life in. But for tonight, he would sit on the roof of the house he grew up in, protecting the people who had protected him throughout his entire life.
A beautiful scene. Clark is sitting on top of his parents' house, very bodily protecting them. He is thinking about the mess he will have to deal with in Metropolis soon, but meanwhile, he is enjoying his solitude and peace and quiet and the stars shining down on Kansas. One of them may be his star.

But Clark, methinks you'd better head back to Metropolis soon and protect Lois again!
