
Here it REALLY is:


It was like she was driving a train. When the show started, she was in control, making her scheduled stops without any difficulty. As Diana’s expose continued, the train sped up, but she was still desperately clinging to the hope that it was all a hoax. Because it couldn’t really be true, it couldn’t possibly be real. But the more she saw, the less she could deny. Clark Kent, her partner of over a year had suddenly become the god in a cape she had been pursuing relentlessly, shamelessly for just as long. This, of course, occurred at the exact same time as an international celebrity had become the man whom she was just recently starting to warm up to in just the right way. As Diana Stride’s exclusive report unfolded, she was struck speechless, an uncommon occurrence if there ever was one. She ordered herself to focus, look at the information analytically, objectively, but by now her personal thought train was careening down the track, heedless of danger and refusing to stop at the familiar stations of Logic and Reason. Clark Kent slowly, painfully became Superman on the TV as millions of people watched. She remembered finding him like lying like that, nearly passed out in pain earlier today. At the time, she hadn’t really pondered the fact that Superman had collapsed in Clark’s apartment and… Oh! Clark had gone home sick on the same day. How many million other coincidences were there lodged in her memory, ready to break through and remind her of what an idiot she was?

Too busy fuming; she didn’t notice the chirpy ding of the elevator, notifying the newsroom that it was to receive another person. It wasn’t until the majority of her coworkers had turned to stare at the newcomer that she turned around.

There he was, Clark Kent. Reporter and super-hero extraordinaire. At last, a sense of familiarity. The glasses, artfully disheveled hair, and loud tie, were all old friends to Lois Lane. Even the look of complete panic was familiar, and strangely comforting to her. The frantic pace of her thoughts slowed as she watched Clark open and close his mouth, guppy-like, no doubt in search of what to say.

“Uh… Hi.” His words were a balm to her confusion-chafed heart. So typical of Clark to be awkward and unsure. THIS was the man she knew and worked with. THIS was the man who brought her coffee every day with one and a half artificial sweeteners and a smidgen of skim milk. Her brain frowned. This was also the man who lied to her constantly. This was also the man ran out on her regularly without proper explanation. This was also the man who didn’t trust her enough to tell her the truth. This was the man who… Her brain paused. This was also the man who was standing dumbly in front of all his colleagues making a moron of himself after being outed on national television. Well, what were partners for anyway? If she could just get him alone in the conference room then she could give him the proper tongue lashing he deserved.

“Clark…” She wasn’t sure how to continue, should she try to be discrete? Then again, discretion was never one of her strong suits. Maybe she should just… But it turned out that her half formulated plan was enough to spur her shell shocked partner into action.

“Chief, can I see you in your office? Lois too?” His eyes fell on Jimmy, and Lois could see a look of resignation cross Clark’s face, “and Jimmy.” With a wordless nod, Perry headed into his office, with Lois, Jimmy, and the newly exposed Superman falling in behind.

* * *

He told them everything. From the very start: with Jonathan and Martha Kent finding a baby in a space ship and taking him home. It was cathartic. For the first time in his life, Clark was able to be completely honest and open to someone other than his parents. Hunched over, head in his hands, staring at his lap, he explained the perils of growing up radically different from others, of discovering new and extraordinary powers as he matured, the frustration he felt of being able to help, but having to hold back in order to protect his secret. He talked about his years at college, the freedom he felt, yet the restrictions of always making sure no one would discover his secret, his need to travel after he graduated, to explore distant places.

“There was always something secure about being the stranger in a group. When people first met me they had no reason to think I was any different than I appeared. It wasn’t until something would happen, and I would have to help that people started getting suspicious. Then I had to move on.

“The best part about being Superman was that I was able to lead a normal life. There was this big colourful cartoon character flying around that distracted perfectly from plain, ordinary Clark. I could hold down a job, build relationships, make friends… All that kind of stuff because no one had any reason to think I was any different. Of course now that’s all gone out the window with the secret identity.” Perry shifted in his seat.

“Clark, you know you have a job here at the Planet as long as you want it.” Clark looked up at Perry.

“Thanks Chief, but I don’t know what kind of exclusives I’ll be able to get with a paparazzi parade after me everywhere I go.” There was a pause. “Chief, I want to tell my story, before everyone else tells it for me. I can have something ready for you in half an hour. That’s plenty of time to make it into the morning edition, right?”

“Sure Clark.” Perry glanced out into the newsroom. “Why don’t you just type it up in my office here? It will be less… distracting”

“For myself or for the other reports?” Clark quipped. He grinned shakily. Perry returned the smile.

“Look Clark, why don’t you take a couple days off? Let some of the novelty wear off. I’m sure people will get over the shock soon, they just need some time to adjust.”

“Yeah.” Clark looked over to where Jimmy had been standing silent the entire time. He was acutely aware of Lois sitting, silent and tense beside him, but he wasn’t ready to tackle that monster yet. Take it bit by bit. “Jimmy, are you okay?” Jimmy gave a shaky smile.

“Yeah CK, sure. Just, you know… I mean c’mon… Superman?!! Who’da thought? It’s just so… you know…” He trailed off uncertainly. Clark smiled.

“I know Jimmy, it must be strange for you, but remember I’m still Clark first and foremost.” Clark anxiously searched Jimmy’s face. He needed this. If all his friends were going to treat him differently because of him being Superman then he wasn’t sure where he could turn. Jimmy finally met eyes with him. Clark relaxed, although Jimmy was understandably shaken, Clark was sure their friendship would survive. Perry cleared his throat.

“Well, we better leave you to your writing Clark. Just let me know when I can have it.” Perry stood and made for the door in his office before turning around once more. “Oh, and Clark…”

“Yeah Chief?”

“Feel free to exit by the window… You know, to avoid the press.” He paused. “Both inside and outside this building.” With a grin, Perry exited the office, followed closely behind by Jimmy. Lois stood up stiffly as if to follow, but somehow Clark managed to find his voice.

“Lois…” She turned and faced him, her expression unreadable. Desperately, he tried to pull his scattered thoughts together and form a coherent sentence. “Could you just come sit, and… I-I just…” Why was it so difficult to think? “There are some things I need to tell you.” Lois walked over to the sofa, and slowly sank into the seat, her eyes never leaving Clark’s. He took a deep breath and pulled himself together.

“I need you to know that out of all the people I…hid from, you were the one I wanted to tell the most. You were the one I was going to tell. I was just…” He paused. How could he explain the complexity of his decision making? “I just wanted to wait until the right moment,” he finished lamely. Lois’ wooden face remained still. His heart sank. “Please understand Lois.”

“Clark, I’m trying to understand, really.” She blinked and looked down. “I just need some time to get used to all this. I can’t talk about it right now.” She stood once again and walked stiffly to the door.

“Yeah, um… sure. Just…just let me know when you’re ready to talk.” Lois nodded quickly.

“Yeah,” she whispered, so quiet he could barely hear it. Then she exited the office, closing the door firmly behind her. Clark sighed and walked around the desk to Perry’s computer. Losing Lois over this would crush him, but he also knew that pushing the issue would only drive her further away. For now, all he could do was wait and hope that she could come to forgive him. Pulling the chair close to the desk, he sat down. He took a deep breath and began typing. It was time to tell the world his story.