Rac, hate to break it to, but it's time for more.

I understand that you're a busy litigator who, if I'm reading your past comments right, graduated from L-school at about the same time I did. Thus, I truly appreciate how busy you probably are. But please understand that The Long Road Home is one of the few things I have to distract me from the brain-numbing doc reviews that are currently burying me. Please note that I would not be posting this if I were not absolutely certain that you'd prefer to write additional chapters versus numbing your brain with your own doc reviews.

Of course, if you're currently stranded on some far flung tropical island completely alone except for a stupendously hot guy who you know would like nothing more than to ravish you, please ignore me and get back to your previously scheduled activities.

[FYI for other posters: Partners at law firms worldwide use doc reviews to punish (torture?) their junior associates for graduating from law school, starting work, and expecting to be paid.]