Tell me, Sammy, can I strangle Dr. Roberts? Just a little?
I'll even put him in a box and send him to you. Debating on the airholes... laugh

And just why can't she accept her daughter's choice? What's wrong with Clark, for heaven's sake?

Oaky. Clark is Superman. And that is going to make Lois's life more difficult and dangerous. Yes, I can see a loving mother objecting to the idea of her daughter marrying Superman.

But Ellen doesn't know that Clark is Superman! So what reason can she have to object? Clark isn't a doctor, and he isn't rich enough? Well, look at yourself, Ellen Lane. You married your rich doctor, and see what that did to you.

No, the only thing Ellen can possibly know about Clark is that he is very good-looking, and that he and Lois are head-over-heels in love with each other. Is that what she doesn't like? Does she dislike Clark because Lois loves him? Because her daughter's relationship with this man will make it harder for her, Ellen, to boss her daughter around?

Well, give up, Ellen. Lois won't be bossed around by you.
Ellen's main problem at the moment is that as far as everyone knows, Lois only met Clark two days ago. Who gets engaged on day three and expects the marriage to last?

I'm almost a little worried about that lovely boy Jimmy - what will that Mrs. Earl do with him?
goofy (where's that *innocent whistle* icon?)

Ooh I would love to hear their explanation. But I'm afraid that if you won't post the next part before Sunday I'll have to wait 3 weeks frown . Because I'm going on vacation smile , no computer!!
I do hope that's next Sunday. Part Twelve isn't even a page long yet.

I was home eating chocolate—cottage cheese.
Chocolate flavoured cottage cheese. It's a new flav—
I was doing my laundry.

—Lois Lane