I so enjoyed this, Terry! I love "Green, Green, Glow..." and really enjoy stories that explore the aftermath of those events more thoroughly than what we saw in the series.

In the episode, Rachel comes across to me as mostly tough talk, with a very vulnerable heart. And an event like shooting Trask to save Clark - someone she clearly cared for - would be bound to cut right through the toughness and leave her very raw and exposed. You've captured that perfectly here. I think she would have to stop at this point in her career and ask some hard questions about whether she made the right decision when she fired at Trask and whether she made the right decision when she went into law enforcement. She's very much at a crossroads now, not only with her career, but also, as you show us, with her romantic life.

I love that Martha is able to give her some guidance and is able to let her down a little bit easily about Clark. I hope she takes Martha's advice and hangs in there a little bit longer because you've made me like this Rachel very much, and I don't want Trask to triumph over her either!

Wonderful story!
