Funny and at the same time moving story.

I have never beleived that Lois would not learn if she put heart in the effort.

I think many *wives* should learn from this passage how not to criticize their *husbands* when they have done something - and they would get help another time also:

"The house impressed me, Lois, don't get me wrong," Clark changed to her other foot, "but it was your comfort with the children that really stood out."

"The Less-Than-Perfect table setting?" Lois sighed with a confused mixture of pleasure and remembered stress. "That was hard. Perfectionism is tough for me to handle. I don't want to saddle my kids with it too. Isn't Flylady-" Lois grinned, "super?"

"Definitely part of the Super Club." Grinning back at Lois, Clark released her feet to the bubbles.

"I'll just be a few more minutes," Lois told him. "You'll probably have to fix a few of the things I couldn't keep up with likeā€¦"

"No, Lois, you've done an even better job on the house than Laura did on the table, and I'm not going to change a thing!"

Lois didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She knew she'd done the best she could, but she was still expecting to be critiqued. Clark's love and support kept on surprising her.
Lucky Lois! Lucky Laura!
