Ooh, yummy...feedback. Thank you guys!

I don't want him to leave Lois! I'm sure he doesn't want to either.
Laura, you're right. Stay tuned!

I find it hard thinking of Clark anywhere other than Metroplis for the long term.
Oooh, Merv ...okay I won't go there just yet but you would be surprised how well things can turn out outside of Metropolis. wink

Why on earth couldn't he have at least told her that Luthor tried to kill Superman; that would certainly have got her attention.

Oh, Betty ...but, then he would have had to tell her {essentially} that he is Superman. And not yet until she says that she loves Clark!
I've finished the story...just tweaking some things so part two will be up soon!

Thanks guys!

I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.