Glad y'all liked it.

I loved the line about it being illegal to be a vegetarian in the Midwest!
My step-sister, who is a vegetarian, moved from California to New York City. She was shocked by the change in environment. Apparently, it was difficult to find truly fresh veggies, let alone enough to live on. While I'm sure she exagerated a bit for my sake, it is true that some places it's easier than others.

Glad I got you laughing, Laura.

And of course she's writing about Batman, Artemis. She wouldn't exactly write something lusty about her son. Would she?

I hadn't intended to write anything kinky. This all stemmed from James' comment, "Wouldn't it be funny if Lois made some off-hand comment about how women who write fanfic are old lusty, over-the-hill broads with nothing better to do--only to find out that Martha writes fanfic?" That line kind of set me up to write something that implied Martha's fics would fit right in at Anne's Place.

Just adorable!
blush What a sweet thing to say.
