Well, you know what they say... Better late than never...

“Well, the truck did explode and the young police officer died. The investigators concluded that he managed to throw me down to the ground as the explosion hit us and that his covering my body saved my life.”
A very brave policeman... But poor Clark. How this must have upset him!

“Margaret Donovan was his aunt and she loved her nephew with all her heart. She worked for Child Services back then. In her eyes I had been irresponsible, not worthy to raise a child. She liked to consider it my fault that Lily ran away in the first place. My parents and a few other people spoke up for me and confirmed that it was all just a tragic accident and that Lily had wanted Becca to grow up with me. She read the official report over and over again, hoping she would find something to use against me. But there was nothing. Truth be told, I might have been responsible for her nephew’s death. But more people would have died, hadn’t I knocked out those policemen. Their lying motionlessly on the ground saved their lives,” he gave Lois a rueful glance.
This is so like humans - wanting to put blame where none existed. But yet Margaret Donavan and the Margaret Donavan’s of the world continue being irrational.

heir lying motionlessly on the ground saved their lives,
Yeah for Clark!

This was a wonderful story, Barbara! I'm glad there will eventually be a sequel, too, because Becca is just too cute.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~