Lois chuckled. “How do you know she didn’t have any weird powers, Clark? After all, you didn’t tell her about yours if I get this right. Why would she have told you about hers? Maybe I’m hiding something as well?”
Cute, Lois. Cute.

Lois tried to deny her sudden impulse to crawl over to him and turn into reality what she had just daydreamed of. Her body was responding to the mere thought of touching his lips, and she felt her heart beating faster. She felt like a teenager and could almost see her cheeks going red
I love how you just put this bit in here. It’s so true to life that we think about these things at the oddest times.... wink

I loved the bit about Becca’s reaction to the kiss...

But you just stormed into my life and conquered my heart.
That’s so beautiful!

He hoped she was and he wished Lily would come back so that he could clean the air between them.
clear the air... (not clean)

Fancy a flight, little Miss Becca?” Though she couldn’t possibly have understood what he meant, she let out an excited giggle and Clark kissed her forehead. “I’ll take that as a yes, but don’t you complain later, honey
That’s so cute.

You’re killing me here.... Come back soon and please tell us what happened to Lily? Did she commit suicide? Die in a carwreck? Murdered? What? What??? And you're going to tell us about Mrs. Donavan, too?

Yes, you are the evil queen of cliffhangers.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~