Awww, thanks! It was lovely to come back after the weekend and find so much FDK had been left for me. dance
*sigh* What about him in just the cape and boots?
OMG! I hadn't even thought of that! Now, er, maybe I am kinda picturing it. blush
But what about an nfic version?
When I first started scribbling on this I thought it would be nfic. But there's just nothing there for me to write about anymore. I tried! Honest!
Please show me the scene with Clark, Lois and Sue!
I laughed so hard it hurt at that. I wasn't *there* with them! That was just my first thought on reading that scene.
Sue, only YOU could make doing laundry fun and sexy!
Heh. That's why Saturday mornings at my house are the MOST FUN EVER. laugh
I was known to put a towel on my head as a child and pretend to be a nun or Egyptian. Yes... I know I'm a little weird.
I won't point fingers at you, Jojo. As a child I used to tie blankets around my waist so that I could have a really, really long skirt and be a princess.

Thanks again, you guys. You've made being at work on a Monday morning vastly more tolerable.

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis