Ahhh!! That ending. How could you? mecry

I liked this part. Lois relying on Clark's natural curiosity...

It wasn’t Clark’s handwriting. Similar, but it didn’t have the look of Clark’s sure hand. She looked back at the messenger. “Tell Superman the answer’s yes.” She deliberately left the letter open on her desk as she went to fill her coffee cup. Hopefully Clark’s curiosity would get the better of him.
I also found it interesting that Lex didn't propose on the flight to Italy... Hmm... Is this coming later? smile

All in all, awesome part. hail Still incredibly frustrating, but I'll forgive you for that. laugh I'm just waiting for Parts 11 and 12 to make it all right... To make Lois and Clark sublimely happy - with each other.

It will be with each other, right? Right?? eek


Lois: Jimmy, give me back my dress.
Clark: Now there's something you don't hear around the newsroom everyday.